On the Road – Water Country USA

This past weekend, we managed to hit both SeaWorld Entertainment parks in Williamsburg, Virginia – Water Country, USA and Busch Gardens.  I’m going to cover these separately since a) they’re not attached, and b) we had different experiences at each.

(As I always state with reviews – I was not compensated in any fashion for this review.  We paid for our own admission to the park.) Continue reading

The Overnight Dilemma

I’m sure, before too long, y’all will be a little tired of hearing about travel anxiety with the Monster.

We’re planning another outing that will involve an overnight stay, this time to Busch Gardens in Williamsburg, VA.  For a lot of families, I’m sure this wouldn’t engender the terror that we have with such trips, but… it’s there, and it’s from history. Continue reading

On the Road – Six Flags America

My company, or at least my local division of it, has a couple of major recreational activities each year.  We have a Halloween party to end all, where the kids are invited to come trick-or-treat around our office, and the employees have a major decorating contest with massive prizes.  We have a formal holiday party that’s just to die for, and gets better every year.  And we have the company summer picnic.

For the last several years, the picnic’s been at a local club where we could have a cookout, eat hard-shell crabs and go swimming.  This year, as a change, the company picnic was at Six Flags America, down by Washington, DC. Continue reading

On the Road

Some of my major trepidation about going on a trip with the kids is trying to figure out how things are going to work.

My parents seem to me, at least looking back now that I’m closing in on forty faster than I perhaps would like to admit, to have been extraordinarily brave – they had four kids that they were hauling around by any transportion method they needed to use.  We have only two kids, yes, but one is barely over one and the other has Autism. Continue reading

Making a Splash – The National Aquarium, Baltimore

Last night was Pathfinders for Autism‘s night at the National Aquarium, and we took the kids to go see the fishes.

The wife and I haven’t been to the aquarium in years.  (We went there on one of our early dates, and then again after the Australia exhibit opened.  On the other hand, as a child visiting Baltimore, my grandmother used to take us and it was one of my favorite places.)  The biggest issues, normally, are the space – the National Aquarium can be a bit claustrophobic when it’s crowded – and the design of the space being not-quite-stroller-friendly. Continue reading

Vacation Musings

To date, since we realized that the Monster has Autism, our vacations have been more of the “stay-cation” variety, with us doing relative day-trips to cope with the behaviors we know are going to come out when we’re gone from the usual schedule for too long.  (The one dreadful trip to New Jersey comes to mind, where I didn’t sleep for most of the weekend because neither child wanted to sleep…) Continue reading

On the Road – Sesame Place (A Very Furry Christmas)

And before folks think I’ve lost total leave of my senses – yes, we went to Christmas at Sesame Place.  That may seem odd for me (being that I’m Jewish and not inclined to ‘accommodating’ Christmas with my family), but…

Well, let me start off by putting credit where credit is due.  Variety Philadelphia was responsible for this outing – they offer tickets to events for children with various disabilities, and Autism qualifies.  So, if you’re in reach of Philadelphia, go to their site and look up the criteria for applying to get on their list for these and other events. Continue reading