You’ve Got To Fight For Your Right To Party

I’m going to step back into this.

On Friday, the New York Times posted an article in its Parenting section on including children with special needs in birthday parties.  (You can find the article here.)  I think that readers of this blog can already guess that I’m not the type to have kept my opinion to myself. Continue reading

Sometimes, It Is About Me

So we’re part way through the summer – if I read my calendar right, we’re about seven weeks from the start of the Monster’s first year of public school.  (And that’s weird enough to think about.)

The other thing that happens over the summer is that my employer announces the latest slate of employees who have been selected for our in-house leadership-training program.  Unlike last year, I didn’t bother to do more than scan the message to see if anyone from our office was selected. Continue reading

On The Outside

I genuinely try to keep a good sense of humor about the things going on in our lives.  I think that’s come through very well in the majority of what I write. There’s enough horrible things in the world that something like this – having a relatively high-functioning autistic son – is a minor speed bump in an otherwise pretty decent life.  It’s not like we’re dealing with a fatal illness, with poverty, with hunger, with homelessness or the scourge of war.

No, it’s just a clump of small problems that tend to wander around as a mad little mob, waiting to pop out at the odd times.

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