Date Night

Like many parents of special needs children, we definitely don’t take enough time for ourselves.

I’ve talked before about our issues with finding a babysitter – more the issue of our finding someone we’re comfortable perhaps more than actually finding time to go out.  (Though this is the season where the latter is a problem too.)  Setting that aside, we do manage to get out now and again, thanks to the very generous donation of my mother-in-law’s time to watch the kids. Continue reading

Single-Dadding It, Day 3

Yesterday was the first time that either of the kids asked for their mother since she headed off on her vacation.

I’d like to think that’s mostly because I’ve been keeping them busy while they’re home so that they’ve not had time to notice she’s not been around.  It’s probably more because R is getting all the veg-time he can stand, and I’m keeping the Monster plenty busy with the things he needs to be doing, but… hey, anything that makes me feel like I’m doing a better job as a single-parent for the week. Continue reading

Single-Dadding It, Day 1

I would hardly call this an “experiment” but, for the next three days, I’m the only parent in this house.

My wife and her sister are off to Vegas for a few days to go enjoy the perks they’ve earned through a silly Facebook game they play, which leaves me alone with both boys to keep things going here.  Over the next three days, I get to juggle my job and childcare and hopefully, all three of us will still be here when she gets back on Thursday. Continue reading

Bizarro World

Much of the time, I laugh at the troubles that my friends who are parents of only NT children, at least insofar as their children are concerned.

As I constantly remind folks, R is nearly four years younger than the Monster.  We spent a long time debating the probabilities before having a second child… and thus far, we seem to have beaten the odds. Continue reading

No Love for the Autism Dads

Yesterday afternoon, I got a note from the school psychologist at the Monster’s elementary school, letting us know that they’re setting up a group for parents of children with Autism and Developmental Disabilities at the school.  It’ll meet the last Thursday of the month (on the same day as my Dads’ Talk meeting in the evening) at the school.

Problem?  I work, and the meetings are planned for 10 AM.  I’d skip work to go to the meetings, but at the moment, I have a standing meeting at that time.

Continue reading

Do They Miss Me When I’m Gone?

So after four days on the road, I’m finally back at home with the kids.

Now, I’d actually have written yesterday if I’d not had a nightmare trip home – lightning hit our airport’s control tower, sending someone to the hospital and shutting down flights for about three hours.  (The person is, according to the 11 PM news, okay and resting at home now, thank goodness.)  Instead, I arrived home very late – far later than I’d planned – and my kids were mostly asleep when the wife pulled in from her rehearsal. Continue reading