One of the best pieces of advice I give to parents new to the world of being a “special needs parent” is a question I was asked the first time I attended the Dads Talk group at the Arc Baltimore:
What do you do for fun, for yourself?
It’s not so easy, when we’re in this boat. We feel a need to keep track of our kids, and our days are filled with trips to therapy, with dealing with our children’s foibles. And while we might say that we do things “for ourselves”, that often includes running to the gym at a weird hour, early morning walks, or the occasional date night when you get respite or find a sitter who can deal with your kiddo.
But that’s not really what I’m talking about. Because while I love going out with my wife – to the theater, to the movies, or other things around – it’s not necessarily “for me”. And that’s where, as parents, we fail ourselves. Continue reading