
Yesterday was another of our trips to Sesame Place, making the most of our season passes by trying to take in the Halloween festivities at the park before it closes for membership year.

We already knew before going that it was going to be difficult compared to our other trips – without the water activities being open, the Monster isn’t quite as set on doing much of what the park has to offer. Continue reading

Little Steps

Part of the usual morning routine is that the Monster starts asking for Sesame Street somewhere along the way.

Depending how early he’s starting, we either do or don’t have an issue with putting on a “Play With Me Sesame” for a bit, which probably is not the best thing for him really.  It’s usually a factor of whether we think there’s enough time to see the episode before the bus arrives, or if he’ll disengage from a preferred activity cleanly without a fuss. Continue reading

Winning Days, Losing Days

I suppose I can’t really put it off any longer, talking about the weekend.

This past weekend, we managed to get down to Busch Gardens one more time before the end of the season – the goal being to let my wife go do some haunted houses with her brother-in-law, which she enjoys, and get the kids on a couple of rides.  (Though, why anyone likes haunted houses is beyond me.  Then again, I dislike being startled/scared/et cetera.) Continue reading

Elsewhere in the Classroom

Aside from the issues with security at the school, yesterday was also our parent-teacher conference with Ms. A in the evening.

About a week ago, Ms. A sent home his first assessment of the year, but mentioned that he’s been displaying more disruptive behaviors in the classroom.  This was entirely new, based on how he’d acted last year, even if there are a lot of things that have been trending in the right direction. Continue reading

Sometimes, You Luck Out

The Monster is not a morning person, in general. I’ve seen  more than a few articles talking about how stress hormones are higher in the morning, and how that affects general behavior in folks with Autism, and I can say that by and large, I agree with the consensus that it’s probably part of the problem.

So most mornings kind of go like this: Continue reading

The Morning Report

Mornings can be a bit traumatic around our house.

Due to the long bus-ride to school – it hasn’t dipped below 75 minutes for him in the mornings – we have a tight schedule with getting everyone to where they need to be.  The Monster has to be up and ready for the bus before 7:45, and I have to usually leave shortly thereafter for my own job. Continue reading

Rubbing Off

As R is closing in on his second birthday – yes, it’s still a few months off – he’s starting to develop more and more of his own personality.  Setting aside the spots where I haven’t the foggiest what to do with an NT child, since he’s hitting milestones that I’ve forgotten to watch out for, it’s definitely an interesting process.

Of course, involved in this is the issue of being a second child, which means that he’s also playing a lot of monkey-see, monkey-do. Continue reading


The Monster’s always been somewhat sensory seeking rather than sensory adverse.

Sure, he doesn’t like fans – not ceiling fans, not rotating fans, not box fans, nor anything that’s fan-like (hand-dryers, air filtration systems, etc).  On the other hand, though, the kid loves fireworks, and used to be all for loud drums and the like at the renfaire. Continue reading