Nearly Normal

So as I mentioned, yesterday was R’s birthday party, and we had a decent number of folks over.

As usual, after most of them had left, it ended up being just family around for a while.  Us adults were sitting around watching the end of the football playoff game (even though we didn’t really care who won), and the kids were being themselves, running around the room. Continue reading

Snow Trouble

Yes, we got dumped on last night.

Thursdays are one of the busier days for me with the Monster, since I pick him up from school to take him to gymnastics.  (Again, I’m very grateful that my employer is flexible enough to understand that I need to do this, and to make up the time later.)  Though, yesterday was filled with the concern about the weather turning. Continue reading

Om Nom Nom

As I mentioned a few posts ago, the Monster’s not much for a diversified diet when given his way about things.

Certainly, there’s been a little bit of an evolution at times – first the narrowing when he was younger, from “anything” to “almost nothing”, and now the faintest shimmers of hope in getting him to eat other things. Continue reading