Those are the Shrieking Eels

Lately, the Monster’s been on-and-off about being good using long, real sentences.

He can, when he wants, construct a good, normal request.  For instance, this evening, he asked me, “Can you to turn on Sesame Street, please?”  (Well, the ‘please’ was with coaxing, and ‘to turn on’ isn’t a great construction… but it’s head and shoulders from where he was last year.) Continue reading

The Morning Routine

There’s the rare morning where I’m solely in charge of getting the Monster ready for school and out the door.

The Monster’s morning routine’s not very complicated:

  1. Get up
  2. Go to the bathroom
  3. Eat breakfast
  4. Pack bag
  5. Get dressed
  6. Get on the bus

Now, granted, we do prepare number 3, do number 4, help him with number 5, and guide him through the rest.  However, there’s usually two of us leading him, since the baby’s not usually in a “wake up ” mode until about a half hour before the Monster’s out the door. Continue reading


This morning, while getting the Monster out of bed, the wife discovered that he had a splinter or something in the sole of one of his feet.

Obviously, he’d not said anything at all to us, and we’d not noticed because he’s not been acting funny.  It was simply that she was being observant that we noticed anything at all. Continue reading