Schools are closed today still – they should be back in full swing tomorrow when everyone has power. The storm actually passed a lot faster than a lot of us thought it would in our area.
Insofar as how it’s affecting the Monster, it’s been a slowly decreasing struggle to find things for him to be doing without resorting to electronic devices.
I mentioned previously that we were working very hard to make sure our devices were charged – he does quite love his iPad and the computer, and we spent a good portion of yesterday afternoon with him sitting on my Mac, playing on the Sesame Street website. By yesterday evening, he was computered-out and was playing with some of the toys in the living room.
This morning, he went straight for the non-technology toys – he’s playing with blocks and balls, and doing things that are burning off some energy around the house while we’re all cooped up inside. I have to imagine that before long, he’ll be back to the computer and whatnot, but… it’s a nice respite. Plus, more importantly to me, it’s nice to see him making his own decisions on scheduling and using perhaps a little imagination to find something to occupy himself with while we’re somewhat stuck indoors. (Okay, granted, with blocks he’s primarily building towers…)
I’m just hoping myself that we’re not going to see problems tomorrow when we return to his usual schedule.
Glad to hear you guys are OK. Heard from Mom?
Not yet. Heard from Dad this morning that his power’s back on at home, but not at his office.